Saturday, October 16, 2010

Round Two

On Wednesday, October 13th I was at Roswell downtown bright and early. I have to say that the worst part of chemo day is getting my blood work done. I have horrible veins in my arms so they used my hand. Ouch!! They're considering using my port next time which is fine as long as it doesn't lengthen my day.

After the blood work I met with my wonderful medical oncologist who does her job too well. She found something near my neck/collarbone on the same side as my cancer. GULP! She really wasn't sure what it was so she got me in for an ultrasound right away. Thank goodness because I couldn't sit around wondering if this had spread. Luckily the radiologist couldn't find anything. There wasn't even a healthy lymph node let alone a swollen one. He checked me out good including a physical exam. He was able to find what my doctor found, but it wasn't anything abnormal. He thinks I've got some ridgy muscle in that area. PHEW!

Then I headed out to the chemo facility which is much closer to home. Dan met me there and got to experience the wonders of the chemo chair... it isn't that exciting. But, now he knows. I think I can handle it solo the next time.

On the way out of the chemo facility, I said something about my hair and Dan cracked his first cancer joke. He said that he thought he'd be the first one to go bald!! Ha! I was so surprised that I laughed out loud. Then yesterday after my shower he said it looked like chewbacca was showering at our house. Too funny! I'm glad he's finally relaxing a bit about this whole thing. We can't let it take over our lives. There is no black cloud over this family... we're doing just fine.

And, we got more good news on Thursday... The biopsy that they did on my other breast came back benign!! Yay!! It turns out I have a fibroadenoma on that side which is what we originally thought I had on the other. I don't know if I'll have to have that out yet, but in my "expert" opinion, I think it is small enough that we can hold on that. I think we've got enough going on right now.

Round two has been different from round one. I am more tired, but at the same time, I can't stay in bed after 5:30am. I don't think my body can lay down any more. I don't know if the fatigue is actually building or if it is that my mom isn't here to do all the small things that I'm trying to do. It isn't that I can't function, I'm just more tired. Hopefully after a weekend of rest I'll have more energy. Too bad I scheduled a fall foliage train ride this afternoon... :)

This week is genetic counseling and I meet with my surgical oncologist again. Hopefully I'll have a little better idea of what comes after chemo.

We are 25% through the 8 chemo treatments and 50% through my A/C rounds!! The last 4 rounds are a different kind of chemo, Taxol, and I've heard that it has less side effects (although the actual infusion is harder) so I'm looking forward to getting through these next 2. Every day is one day closer to DONE!

Thank you to all my family, friends and coworkers for your love, care and support. One of the benefits of cancer is finding out just how many people you have in your corner!! I hope you all know I love you all right back.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

You go, girl! You're doing great and I'm so proud you're my friend. Happy, happy for the good benign news.