Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Round One - The Rest

Well, I found my bottom and it is the Monday after treatment... what a day that was! Since I wasn't sure how bad things were going to get, I went to work. Silly me!

I arrived in the parking lot and promptly took a car nap. After 20 minutes I pulled myself together and made it into my office. That is about as good as the day got. I felt like there was a heavy cloud over me all day. My tongue felt big in my mouth, my ears were plugged, I couldn't see quite straight and my shoes felt larger than normal too. I went home a little early, camped out on the couch until Dan made dinner and then went to bed at 7:20pm... before the boys!!

Yesterday was much better and was my first medicine free day! Woo Hoo! I still went to bed by 7:30pm, but that isn't a big deal. Maybe tonight I can stay up until 8:00pm... or maybe not. Who cares as long as I can function most of the day.

If I could make one request to the man upstairs, it would be for my bad day to arrive one day earlier. It would be so much more convenient! Maybe with the build up of medicine in my body that will happen. What would be unacceptable is to have my bad day to become more than one.

My hair is still holding tight!

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