Friday, June 9, 2023


Unfortunately I ended up with another fever which landed me in the Roswell day hospital Wednesday afternoon. There was talk of admitting me, but today was prom so I fought back. They agreed to give me a dose of IV antibiotics as it seems I was under treated last week for pneumonia and a blood transfusion plus a promise that I would call if I had any new or worsening symptoms.

When I went to bed last night, I thought I’d be calling after taking prom pics tonight, but now I think I’ve turned a corner. If I wake up good tomorrow, I’m hoping that means I’m out of the woods.

So, why defeat? Well…I applied for a handicap parking pass today because there are times I could use it, but I’ve committed to myself that I will only use it when truly needed. Boo.

For now, I’ll focus on being present tonight.

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