Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Chemo Day

I meet with my oncologist every 3rd week and today was the day. Unfortunately I’m not ready to wean off the oxygen yet and need to stop taking oxygen breaks to give chemo more time to work as she says I’m causing stress on my heart. Darn. I guess I need to be scolded if I’m seen without my tank over the next 3 weeks. The good news is that she had an EKG done today and my heart rhythm is normal. The rate is just fast. Hopefully that will resolve as chemo has time to work and I get off the steroids which happens next week.

The best news is that my bloodwork looks good and tumor markers have decreased. Woot woot!!

Then it was off the the infusion center which was good and boring. I really am tolerating chemo well. I had some wonky stomach issues last week and am generally more tired, but nothing extreme.

I’m still hanging on to my hair, but there was more shedding this morning than usual so I don’t think I’ll have it much longer. And, that’s ok, as long as I’m here.

Chemo snacks have become very important. Yum yum!! Thanks to my Buffalo Mommies for taking good care of me.

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