Thursday, April 27, 2023


I woke up a weepy mess today.  I didn’t like my numbers when I woke up and was struggling to see my path out of here, resulting in a bit of a pity party. But, cousin Holli gave me a kick in the pants via text. Then the doctor gave me hope that he’s seeing improvement and doubled my steroids to continue to bring down the inflammation. I heard from a few other favorite people sending support. Sara showed up and questioned why I wasn’t in a chair..that really was key. And now, I’m at 50 from 65. The goal tomorrow is 45. If I can walk on high flow on 45 without tanking, I can transition to regular oxygen. 

I’m approved for a full liquid diet so I had some decent tasting food today. But real food isn’t far off and I can’t wait for that pancake.

Steroids are pushing my sugar up so now I’m getting regular finger pricks with insulin. A minor annoyance.

I will be here through Monday unfortunately. And it seems there are a lot of hoops to get chemo as an inpatient so that is unlikely. Hopefully I can get released Monday with a chemo infusion on the way home. That’s probably ideal state right now to attack the other part of the problem.

So, progress. I’ll take it. 

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