Sunday, April 7, 2013


This year we spent Easter and Spring Break with family on the Emerald Coast!!  

Our Easter celebration spanned the whole weekend starting with a visit to the Easter bunny.  

There was lots of silliness all week with various members of the kid crew participating.  While others (mainly Ryan) did their own thing.

We had beautiful weather and lots of activity. 

 The cousins colored Easter eggs together.  I think that might be a first??

And, then something new... confetti eggs!  Who knew such a thing existed?  Basically they are hollowed out colored eggs filled with confetti and then closed up with tissue paper.  See?

The kids were excited to smash them on each other's heads.  We should have been more clear and said smash them OVER each other's heads, but we didn't and had a few tears as a result.  Lesson learned.

They did have a lot of fun. 

 Lots of running.


I guess I can't think this is too weird considering what the event Dyngus Day is in our neck of the woods.  If you don't know what that is, go ahead and google it.  Pussy Willows and Water Guns.  Why?  I have no idea.  I'm not from here so I claim ignorance.  

On Easter Sunday itself we got to see Ava and Nora sing during services before spending the afternoon at the beach and then dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse.  I have to say, it is a great way to celebrate Easter!

Oops, how could I have forgotten the egg hunt?  What a treat it was that the bunny could hide the eggs outside! 


Yes, I tried to get a decent picture of all 5 kids all week.  I don't think I was successful once.

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