Sunday, February 6, 2011


No news is good news, right?? There isn't anything exciting going on in our world right now.

I tried calling the doctors office Friday morning for a release to work tomorrow and got shot down... big time! So I'll be home at least through my doctors appointment Thursday afternoon. Grr! Hopefully I'll get my drain removed during that appointment and I'll be back to work on Friday. It is going to take a lot to keep me home. In the meantime I plan on working from here. And, since I'm stuck here I asked my parents to stay as well. Misery loves company, right?? Ha! The truth is that I have no idea how I'm going to care for our 40 pound two-year-old!!

Mom drove me to the outlets today in an effort not to crawl the walls. She told me that I had been through hell so I could buy myself whatever I wanted. So I did! I'm looking forward to returning to work in my nice new white shirt with snazzy black vest. I also got the matching necklace. I love it!! I may even wear it this week so I'll have an authentic work experience without the drive.

I've also found time to surf the net shopping for furniture. I found a piece that I love for the living room and tried to play the cancer card with Dan. But, he informed me that I don't have cancer anymore. Bummer! One week too late!

My recovery itself seems to have plateaued. I've been at about the same place since Thursday. Fortunately it is a good place to be. I think it is the drain tube coming through my skin in my armpit that is causing my residual pain and soreness. The good news is that the fluid has changed to a yellowish color and the amount has decreased significantly. It is still disgusting! I've been weaning myself off my pain pills and hopefully tomorrow will be my first day pill free.

I can't thank everyone enough for the thoughts and prayers that are being sent our way. I am humbled by the amount of love that is out there. Dan and I are trying to figure out how in this world we can give back as much as we have received. I think it is going to take a lifetime! We're going to start by volunteering our time for the Ride for Roswell in June. I should be done with active treatment by that time and will be looking for more opportunities to help.

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