Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas Eve

Things didn’t go exactly as planned yesterday. I was supposed to be watching the boys and their cousins ice skate at the Empire State Rink, but instead…. Epic Nosebleed!!

I’ve been experiencing a slow nosebleed for months. Literally, my nose is bleeding all the time. Well, that plus a blood thinner, oxygen and the dry air of the Adirondacks came together for an epic nosebleed that I couldn’t get under control. 

We’re talking bucket under my face and blood everywhere… poor Dan!! There was blood all over me, the walls, the sink, the floor…it was a crime scene!!

We weren’t home so off we went to find an emergency room as things weren’t slowing down after 2 hours. Luckily we found an ER where they were able to clamp my nose after using afrin and slow things down. Then they came at me with something called a rhino rocket which is like a tampon they shove up your nose and leave there for 5 days. That didn’t sound pleasant at all so I asked if we could try clamping again before taking that step. The 2nd clamp slowed things down enough that we could set the rhino rocket aside. Phew!! 

I was able to go home with strict instructions not to blow my nose or put pressure on it in any way. Do you know how hard that is?? The good news is that it has been over 24 hours and the bleeding is more residual than anything else. I hope it stays that way. I also have 1 nostril clear for breathing.

I’m re-committed to using my oxygen with humidity, even if it drowns me (although I think Dan figured out how to get it away from the machine which heats up the water and gets condensation in the line so that issue may be resolved). I’m also continuing to use the moisture medicine the pulmonologist gave me plus using a humidifier in my bedroom. So much work just to keep a nose functioning as it should!

At least it was Christmas Eve and not Christmas Day!!

I wonder what is coming next…this is such a rollercoaster. I certainly can’t say this experience is boring.

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