Friday, November 3, 2023

Not again!

Lots has been going on lately and it is a bit overwhelming. I landed back in the hospital yesterday and I am not pleased. But, at least it is Roswell where the food is better. I’m looking forward to French toast this morning.

I think I mentioned previously that I ended up with a nasty cold earlier in October and it seems it hasn’t fully released me from its grasp. I continue to cough junk up and ended up back on oxygen last week when my numbers were really low. Boo!! I hate it even more now after my month of freedom, but I acknowledge that I need it. And, hope it is a temporary situation.

Going back on oxygen earned me a CT scan on Monday. Unfortunately the scan showed a blood clot in my right lung so I get to add a blood thinner to my list of medications. The clot could be causing some of my breathing issues, but my oncologist didn’t think that is the full story which makes me happy because I didn’t either which we’re now seeing is true.

Fast forward to Wednesday evening when I was experiencing significantly worsening shortness of breath to the point where it was difficult to do anything. Coughing fits through the night made it clear that I needed to reach out to Roswell, knowing full well what was going to happen. While Dan is in Vegas. But, I also know that our network of helpers here is strong and that network came through. Thank you to Aunt Debbie for going to the oncologist with me on Tuesday and staying with Ryan & Lucy last night. I couldn’t be more grateful. The best part is that I know there are many others who were ready to step in. We have the best family and friends.

So here I am. The did another CT scan yesterday and I read the report, but haven’t reviewed it with a doctor yet. The opacities in my lungs are a lot worse now than they were on Monday. They did tell me yesterday that I have pneumonia. Again. There may also be a couple of other things going on. Hopefully I’m in the right place to figure it out.

Dan is flying home today. I’m hoping I can go home soon and have the energy to make my own French toast. And I may not leave my house again until June!!

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