Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pulling Up!

Our boy Ryan is growing up daily. He's getting to know his surroundings and making his joys known. Cords, sliding doors, outlet covers... at least he still giggles as he approaches something he knows he's not allowed to touch. He is hilarious!

Here he is enjoying a look in the mirror. He loves looking at himself, any why not? He's a cute kid. Usually he sticks his tongue all the way out or blows raspberries, but I was able to get this picture before that happened.

It's only been two weeks since Ryan started crawling, but he's already got it mastered. The gate came out today and Ryan was not pleased. He was mad!

Yesterday we visited Grandma and Grandpa C. Ryan had a blast exploring. Here he is scoping out his next target... I think he spotted a birdhouse with his name on it.

Even Tyler got into this new mode of transportation. Is it wrong that all I keep thinking about are the knees of his pants?? I thought we were past that stage!!

This past Wednesday Ryan decided that crawling wasn't enough... he decided he wanted to see what was up as well. So, he crawled over to an end table, planted one hand and then the other, and with all his might, he pulled himself up... grunting and groaning the whole time! That was a lot of work! He is not a graceful child. Since then, he's figured out how to pull up less dramatically.
Here he is at the beginning of his new move... one leg...

A little help from an arm...

Almost there...


Ta Da! Look at me mommy!

Now this is truly a sight... besides the swing set, the other item that doesn't get love at our house is the train table. But, today both boys had a blast playing with it together. Yay!

All of the attention has not been on Ryan this week. Tyler has kept up his endless chatter and smarty pants remarks. Here's the latest...

Santa has been a topic of conversation at our house as Tyler knows that Santa has agreed to attend his birthday party. So, the other night Tyler asked Dan if Santa was watching. Dan said "you'd better hope not because you are not listening." Tyler asked what that meant so Dan said that Santa wouldn't bring a nice present if he wasn't good. Tyler asked what he was going to get and Dan told him "a lump of coal." Tyler then said "for my toy steam engine??" Oh, this boy. Grandma W is right... give Tyler a lemon and he'll make lemonade.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That's funny. The first time Alice ever pulled herself up to stand was on Henry's train table! Perfect height.
Go, Ryan, go!