Sunday, May 27, 2012


Do you ever wonder the impact that you have on those around you?  Well, my impact became crystal clear the other night and now I'm worried... what am I doing to my kids?

Normally I go to bed before Dan, but on this night I had a late conference call so I was witness to his bedtime routine. I followed him as he checked the locks, touched the faucet to make sure it was off, opened/closed the freezer, touched the knobs on the stove to make sure they're off and he even checked the basement door!

On this night, I asked him why instead of just accepting this odd routine.  In his somewhat sarcastic "isn't it obvious" way, he reminded me of the morning he woke up to a swift breeze wafting through the duplex we were living in at the time... oh yeah, I had left for work in the wee hours of the morning and somehow left the front door wide open.  Oops.  Then he asked how many times he had found the freezer open or the oven on.  Countless.  And, then there was the night I fell down the basement stairs.  Ouch!

It seems that every time I mess up, he adds something to check to his list!  Poor guy... it must be hard to be married to such a flake!!  So I asked him why he married me. His answer?  Love is blind.

Just before falling asleep he reminded me of the day I poisoned him.  I had gone out to eat with some people from work and accidentally left my leftovers of spaghetti and meatballs in the car... overnight... in the middle of summer.  The next morning when I opened the car door the smell was overwhelming.  We were still living in that duplex and I didn't want to stink up the whole place by leaving it in the garbage so I threw it in the fridge.  Oops.  It seems that Dan came home that day for lunch...  It was awful and I've never felt worse.  Luckily he recovered.  I'm not sure what the lesson was there... he still eats my leftovers!

Once again, my husband has proved that he is wonderful.  And I wonder how I'd survive without him!

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