Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Break

SPRING break might not be the best description especially if you were looking out our kitchen window on Monday... YIKES! We may be paying for our beautiful summer last year with no summer this year.

But, so far we've found our fun. Grandma and Grandpa W popped in for a day. Grandma brought these wonderful things for each boy...

Yes, these make noise... really annoying buzz quack noises and both boys got one. Thank you Grandma! She always manages to find the gift that keeps on giving! She is the reason that Ryan sticks his foot in my face yelling "eat it" while I'm changing his diaper. Yup, my mom thinks it is funny to nibble toes causing a little person to laugh uncontrollably while rolling around with an open diaper full of poo. That must be the difference between being a grandma and a mom.

They sure do have a lot of fun.

Grandpa got in on the fun this trip and colored eggs with the boys.

He was brave and let Ryan help.

We put the finishing touches on them this morning. This was Tyler's "world" egg. I think it came out pretty good. I might even get him to eat an egg after all of this, but I'll have to report back on that later... we're slowly working our way up to it. (Notice the lack of snow today... it has been replaced by water. We literally had ducks swimming in our yard this morning. Aye!)

Ta da!! Here are our speckled eggs all ready for the bunny.

This morning the boys decided to do some dress up. Ryan was very excited to put on the "super man" costume.

Aaaarrrrgggghhhh Matey! We won't tell him that it was upside down and ruin his fun. For that matter, who is Spiderman anyway??

This afternoon we checked off another "to do" off of my list... The Herschell Carrousel Museum!! Is there one R or two in carousel? I think there is only one, but they spell it with two so we'll do it their way.

Aunt Donna joined us for our adventure. Lately Tyler likes to ride on the "spinner" rather than a horse.

But not Ryan. He knows you are supposed to be on a HORSE on a carrousel.

I believe Tyler is finally big enough to have outgrown some toys, but he hasn't figured that out yet.

Back for one more ride.

That face...

It was a neat place. Turns out there was a sign on the door of this room not to take pictures. My 6 year old pointed it out. Oops. But, the picture was already taken so here it is. Ryan was too cute in this room. He just couldn't understand why he couldn't ride these animals. Sorry Ry, no batteries.

I love that we have all of these things around to discover.

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