Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hair - 15 Weeks Out

My hair is coming along. I've reached the early stages of shaggy. I don't have enough to cut, but the edges are not as neat as I'd like. Bed head has returned. And, the color is a bit odd. It isn't black. It isn't brown. It is sort of a dark gray with white tips. Hmmm... stainless steel? Titanium? Oh, and the cowlicks on either side of my forehead make it look like I have a widows peak... but no, it is just the hair in the middle growing straight down!! What a mess. But, it is hair so I won't complain.

We took the boys for a hair cut this week and afterwards Dan pointed out that we all have the same cut. Wasn't that nice of him??

I've had time to think about the last 7 months and I've decided that I hit the cancer sweet spot. I was old enough that my family was complete, but young enough to stay strong physically. And, my children are young enough not to be impacted. I am thankful for the timing.

Hopefully in a few more months my hair will no longer be a daily reminder in the mirror and I can truly leave this behind me.

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