Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool

Sometimes you just need to inject a little fun into your normal routine and April 1st is a good excuse to do so.

I had considered a number of different pranks I could pull on Tyler and finally settled on one simple idea... I switched his shoes for an identical pair I had purchased and set aside for Ryan.

The set-up was unintentional, but perfect. I laid his clothes out like normal, but the shirt was too short on his arms. He told me it was because of that "growing pain."

Finally it was time to get their shoes on. We were all in the back room and I was putting Ryan's shoes on as usual.

Me: Tyler, hurry up and get your shoes on.
Tyler: I can't get my foot in.
Me: Would you just undo the velco??
Tyler: I'm trying, but it doesn't fit.
Me: Come on, Tyler, we don't have time for this. Get your shoes on!!
Tyler: Mom, my toe is hitting the front. Feel it.
Me: Tyler, you just had these shoes on yesterday, did you really grow that much overnight??
Tyler: Yes!
Me: Well, I don't have any other shoes for you so you are just going to have to go barefoot. We'll go shopping tonight.

The look on his face was priceless... and I let him off the hook. April Fool!! Ha!

Now I have to be extra vigilant. I know he's going to try and get me back. Knowing Dan, he'll probably help...

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