Monday, January 23, 2023

It’s Only Hair

I was told that the hair on the top of my head would fall out from the 5 rounds of radiation and that process started yesterday. I’ve always had fine, thin and see through hair so this shouldn’t bother me. I didn’t think it would bother me this time. But, it does. There’s something about seeing hair on the towel and on your fingers that’s not fair. Then to see it on the hairbrush. Ugh!!

It is also weird because I know this will grow back and the chemo will ‘only’ make my hair thin so how do I prepare for this? What do I do when it is just a bald spot on the top of my head? A comb over? I’m really not a hat person especially with hair as I find them itchy.

I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just hide for a while. This is so minor and I know that. But it is real. And it makes me sad as it is a visible reminder. And yes, the top of my head is really sensitive right now. 

Ok, pity party over…back to work!

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