Monday, June 25, 2012


I often wonder what the daycare teachers really think of us parents with all of the oddball things that our children say.  Last week, I got a little peak...

It seems that Ryan told his teacher that I put him in time out in the basement with the dog... his time out spot is in front of the basement door and he takes his stuffed dog.  Goodness!!  We don't even have a dog!  He makes me sound like a monster.

Then he told her that I had to get a new car because my old car was too slow and I wanted a sunroof. I'll admit I wanted the sunroof, but I am not a speed demon... most of the time.

And, this one is the best... he told his teacher that I poop in the pool!!  Aaaaahhhh!!  This must stem from my insistence that he poop on the potty, my reassurance that everyone poops including me and my rule that you cannot go in the pool unless you poop on the potty.  But really?  THAT is what he comes up with?

I wonder what other mixed up, somewhat related to the truth nuggets my 3 year old is sharing.  I hope that the fact that she shared with me indicates she does not believe him.  

I have noted these things for future reference and will be sure to remind Ryan of them at a key point in the future.  

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