Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Nobody else can advocate for you like you. And that’s been the name of the game this week.

Until now, my bloodwork always looked good on chemo day and there has never been a question that I’d get a full dose. Unfortunately when I was in hospital #1, my white blood cell count tanked and they started talking about a chemo reduction to 75% which made me angry. They had all sorts of folks talking to me about how a reduction is protocol and the package insert even says so (according to the pharmacist who called). Um, no. I’m not ok with reducing my chemo dose because of a run of the flu. A one time event. If my bloodwork on chemo day is an issue or if it happens again, then we’ll talk. But, not yet. 

So yesterday was chemo day and I pled my case to my oncologist. And won. I got my full dose and am feeling good. I’m going to will my bloodwork to look good for my dose next week too and leave this situation in the rear view mirror. Package insert…be proud of me for not telling the pharmacist that we don’t need her if all we’re going to do is read the package insert. Seriously. I came really close.

Today was my appointment with the ENT for my nosebleeds. Essentially I had a nosebleed from last Wednesday through Sunday afternoon. It is not pleasant and rather gross. Once again, it was time to advocate. I’m done with seaweed up my nose and want actual medicine. So, he’s got a compounding pharmacy making up an acid spray and if that doesn’t help, we’ll be doing a light cauterization on one side at a time. Finally hope for relief!

My strength is returning with my attitude. I see the pulmonologist on May 2nd. Watch out!

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