Sunday, May 19, 2024

Plugging Along

There’s not much news to share so I’ve been quiet. I felt better this weekend than I have in a while. Maybe it was the fantastic weather? I’ve been out by myself poking around stores and feeling normal. I’m good as long as I stay on flat ground. Stairs and carrying things are still an issue. Can’t complain about that…Dan and the boys have been great about helping with things like laundry and bringing the groceries in.

Last Sunday, Dan finally relented and glued eyebrows to my face. He procrastinated for a while and I don’t blame him. Eyebrows are hard!! And they sure do look bigger and darker than I anticipated, but I think I’m getting used to them.

I felt like Bert for a few days last week and surprised myself every time I looked in the mirror. But it is another step towards looking normal in public. Now to find a comfy wig that looks like me.

I cut my steroid dose in half again today so maybe I’ll stop needing to eat all the time and start sleeping later. Getting up between 4 and 5am is getting old. 

Life keeps moving. Tyler’s been home a full week. He’s eating and drinking us into multiple grocery store runs! Ryan is a golfing machine. He played 3 rounds of 18 holes this weekend. 

I’m looking forward to scans at the end of the month…hoping for continued stable disease. And remaining pain-free.

Next weekend I have a goal of a short, flat hike. I think it is time.

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