Wednesday, April 3, 2024


Today was a very emotional day. I had a CT scan yesterday and the results came back stable which was what we expected. I had a bone scan today and freaked out when I saw the results as it looked like I’ve had a significant increase in activity. How could that happen with decreasing tumor markers, good bloodwork and generally feeling decent??  I was a complete mess. Being able to access results on the patient portal is good and bad. Luckily my doctor responded quickly and calmed me down. 

I have a cold right now which he knew about as I asked for a preventative antibiotic trying to avoid pneumonia and a hospitalization. He’s confident that the brightness the radiologist saw on the scan is the result of my immune system fighting the cold. He said he measured the lesions and they have not changed since the August scan, therefore, I’m stable. Phew!! Lesson learned. The freak out can wait until the oncologist agrees it is time to freak. Now is not that time.

So now I’m going to be kind to myself, take the antibiotics that I did get prescribed and nap. And eat the leftover Easter candy.

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