Tuesday, January 23, 2024

CT Scan

I went for a CT scan last Thursday evening, which was early as my tumor markers went up 8 points at my last appointment. My doctor says that isn’t significant and tumor markers are only a guideline, but he could see I was concerned so he moved my scan up.

The scan results were positive, although I wanted it to be more positive as patience is not a virtue I possess. I was hoping for a reduction in disease, but I need to be happy with stable. Stable is good.

There is improvement in my lungs which is very good. I’m also pleased to hear that there is more improvement needed because I am still very much dependent on oxygen and was feeling like I should better than I am. He showed me the scan so I could see the improvement and that there were still opacities ready for improvement. Once again…patience!! I am down to 2 liters so that is progress. He also reminded me that previously we weren’t sure if it was disease or pneumonitis causing the lung issues and now we know it’s pneumonitis so we can focus on that. 

He also confirmed that sclerotic, which was in my scan report, means hardening of the bones where there was disease. So, my bones have scar tissue which means healing, right?  A year ago I was in significant pain and taking pain medication 24/7. Today, I can’t remember the last time I took anything for pain. That’s improvement.

He also said that my bloodwork shows that my organs are functioning normally. So overall, I’m ok. Even though my tumor markers went up again by 7 points. The scan is more telling as is how I feel which is generally good.

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