Monday, October 13, 2014

Pre-School Graduation - Take 2

Sometimes I think being a parent means being in a constant state of second guessing and holding Ryan back from starting kindergarten was something that I second guessed to myself a lot.  But, after seeing him at his second pre-school graduation on June 19th, I am certain that we made the right decision.  This was a completely different boy from the one who sat on the stage stone-faced last year. 

He surprised us by being the first to march out and onto the stage all by himself.  Not a hint of hesitation.

I love this picture... just a quick peek to make sure we're all there for him.

This year he participated fully in the ceremony.  He sang, he danced and at the end, he even played God in the skit.  So proud of this boy.

Handsome, confident and wearing Spider-man sneakers.  This boy is the whole package.  Watch out world!


I'm trying to upload a couple of videos.  We'll see if that works...

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