Tuesday, February 12, 2013

1st Reconciliation

Friday, February 1st was Tyler's First Reconciliation.  And, he was excited.  Seriously.  Who looks forward to making a confession??  Maybe he enjoys one on one time with the priest?  Maybe it was that he finally got to go in the wood box in the back of the church?  Or, maybe it was because he got to wear a tie.  Should I feel bad that the shirt and tie was part of his Dracula costume from Halloween?  Oops!

Who knows why he was excited, I'm just happy that I didn't have to force him to go.  In fact, when he started giving me a hard time about learning the prayers in the weeks leading up to the event, I told him he did not have to receive this sacrament as long as he understood that meant he would not receive First Communion next year which means he will never participate in communion with everyone else.  Yeah, I can't believe that worked either, but it did.  

Yes, this is happiness at being in church wearing a tie on a Friday evening...

He marched right up to get his certificate, shook the hands of both priests and came back to me with a smile on his face.  Love this kid.

My proud boy.

And now, when we go to mass and recite the Our Father, my boy turns to me and says "I just did my penance again."  I hope that wears off soon.

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