Tuesday, June 4, 2024


While I’ve never aspired to be unremarkable, I was pleased to see that word along with ‘stable’ all over my CT scan results. I’ll take unremarkable all day long!!

I met with the doctor this morning and confirmed that the results of my scan showed that treatment is doing the job of maintaining disease. I pushed back as I really want to see less disease and it seems that some of the tumors in my lungs are slightly smaller. Overall, what is in my lungs is tiny in terms of disease. There is still fuzziness from pneumonitis which I guess is good as it explains why I still need supplemental oxygen and gives me hope that my reliance will get better as the lungs continue to clear. I hope.

So, I’ll stay on this line of treatment. Sassy and I are getting along. I hope it stays that way as the average time on this medication is 9 months. I’m at 7.

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