Sunday, June 16, 2024

Moon Face

I took the last of this round of steroids yesterday so I’m hoping my cheeks start to shrink soon as well as my appetite!! Dr. Google says is can take weeks or months for moon face to go away. I sure hope not. Maybe I can help it along by increasing my fruit and veggies while reducing bagels and dessert! Does strawberry shortcake count as healthy?

Dan and I took a ride in the Chevelle this morning and I grabbed this pic. I don’t think my checks can be any bigger. I feel like me and would really like to see me when I look in the mirror. I still shock myself.

I’m wearing my Memphis shirt today because it is hot and we enjoyed bbq for Dan’s Father’s Day lunch. At least the shirt still fits! I’m afraid to try my swim suits. Hopefully I’m moving in the right direction starting today.

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