Sunday, June 16, 2024

Moon Face

I took the last of this round of steroids yesterday so I’m hoping my cheeks start to shrink soon as well as my appetite!! Dr. Google says is can take weeks or months for moon face to go away. I sure hope not. Maybe I can help it along by increasing my fruit and veggies while reducing bagels and dessert! Does strawberry shortcake count as healthy?

Dan and I took a ride in the Chevelle this morning and I grabbed this pic. I don’t think my checks can be any bigger. I feel like me and would really like to see me when I look in the mirror. I still shock myself.

I’m wearing my Memphis shirt today because it is hot and we enjoyed bbq for Dan’s Father’s Day lunch. At least the shirt still fits! I’m afraid to try my swim suits. Hopefully I’m moving in the right direction starting today.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


While I’ve never aspired to be unremarkable, I was pleased to see that word along with ‘stable’ all over my CT scan results. I’ll take unremarkable all day long!!

I met with the doctor this morning and confirmed that the results of my scan showed that treatment is doing the job of maintaining disease. I pushed back as I really want to see less disease and it seems that some of the tumors in my lungs are slightly smaller. Overall, what is in my lungs is tiny in terms of disease. There is still fuzziness from pneumonitis which I guess is good as it explains why I still need supplemental oxygen and gives me hope that my reliance will get better as the lungs continue to clear. I hope.

So, I’ll stay on this line of treatment. Sassy and I are getting along. I hope it stays that way as the average time on this medication is 9 months. I’m at 7.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Can I blame being a complete klutz on a disease? This last week has been a doozy. 

Last Saturday I was cleaning out the vanity in my bathroom and managed to spill an entire bottle of skin so soft on the floor. And it was one of those big refill bottles so a significant spill. The house still smells. Luckily Sara was here to help me clean it up. The floor was really shiny!! Oh, and I decided to wash the towel we used to clean it up with a regular load of laundry. Not a good idea. The shirt I’m wearing now was in that load.

On Thursday I managed to trip UP a stair and landed on my knee. I’m fine and the knee is fine, but who falls up stairs?? 

On Friday, I spilled sweet & sour sauce on my keyboard while trying to eat dinner and work at the same time. Things seemed ok on Friday, the keys started to get a little stiff yesterday and the A totally doesn’t work this morning. Ha ha!! You just have to laugh. Luckily my parents taught me not to waste things so I never used the last new keyboard I received when my laptop was replaced… I had another one ready to go. I think the old keyboard was at least 10 years old and the letters were actually worn off the keys so it didn’t owe me anything, but what a way to go…drowning in red sauce…

In better news, I thoroughly enjoyed the day trip to Niagara on the Lake with Sara last Sunday. I found a couple of scarves that I love and we enjoyed a nice lunch. I’m ready for her to come back for afternoon tea.

Hopefully we’ll be on the boat and in the pool soon. And attending lots of baseball games! Come join us :)

My new scarves. I think I have a different scarf for every day of the year. But I still love picking out new ones.  The first one is reversible so it’s like I got 2!!