This was a wonderful weekend. Great weather, time with friends and a bit of down time as well. I couldn't ask for more. I really think a 3 day weekend with a 4 day work week is a much better balance. Think it will ever become the norm??
We've been to the wading pool a couple of times and it is perfect for Ryan.

But, Tyler has been enjoying himself too. So far he's always had a friend there. I'm not sure what this is about. He does it a lot. My theory is that he's cold and the concrete is warm. I don't know... he is a bit strange.

We filled the yard with kids yesterday and ended up with a 12-hour sleep from both boys. It was awesome. I guess that is what happens when you run non-stop for 5 hours straight. We'll have to do that again.
After an incredibly lazy morning, we spent some time in the neighbors pool and then went for ice cream, the long way around. This place is right down the street, but it took us about 40 minutes to get there. It was the perfect night for a drive with the windows down. Love it!!
I love this picture. This boy is something.

All three of my guys with bellies full of ice cream!! It is not going to be a good weigh-in week!

We got back home just in time to pack up for the fireworks. Here they are loaded up in Grandpa C's wagon.

I couldn't deny Tyler a few of the carnival rides.

Ryan got to go too. My little camera couldn't keep up with him. He was so excited and jumping so fast. Check this out. Pure joy.

Here they are as pleased as can be.

Tyler chose the obstacle course as his last ride. I cannot believe how far he has come in the last couple of years. He didn't hesitate at all up that high or on the bridge.

He was a happy boy.

They don't sell basic glow sticks at the fireworks anymore and I didn't make it to the dollar store to grab them as I intended, so...

Yes, mom is a sucker.

I should probably sneak into Ryan's room to make sure his is off...

Finally the fireworks started. Despite Tyler's face, he was very excited. Ryan kept screaming out the colors. It was a great night.

Tomorrow is going to be a very long day.
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