...Another Air Show!! This time Grandma and Grandpa C joined us. And it could not have been any hotter. Dan said it was almost unbearable. I disagree, there was no almost about it!

The boys are good sports and since it was the first day of our vacation, we treated them to the rides.

They started out on the tame rides.

But quickly moved to this ride called the "Extreme," which was some sort of mutant tilt-a-whirl. I was a little nervous about letting Tyler ride it. When Ryan asked to ride, I think the heat was getting to me as I said yes. By then Dan had the camera so you'll have to imagine the pure joy on his face.
This kid has no fear.

The air show was a side show to the boys.

Did I mention it was hot?? I think the heat got to me again when Tyler asked if his souvenir could be a bullet necklace. What was I thinking?? Dan was a bit shocked. Yes, it was that hot!
It has been a week since the air show and I haven't seen the bullet necklace in days. Phew!
We were really there to see the Blue Angels.

I've lost count of the times I've seen their show, but each time I am amazed at the precision.

This little boy was not pleased to be wearing ear protection. He was hot, tired and very cranky. Check out the pout... I don't blame him.

And for the second Blue Angels demonstration in as many years, Tyler fell asleep!!

We did survive, so I suppose Dan was right... it was bearable.
After a good night sleep, we attended a family party. Ryan was in a much better mood!

Aunt Alisa looks like she's winning in this picture, but I can assure you, she was very wet for a person in street clothes.

The heat might have also gotten to Aunt Toni.

Yes, it was a long day... but not too long for s'mores!


It was a fantastically hot weekend! And, a great kick-off to our vacation.
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