Sunday, April 4, 2010


Spring arrived this week and it was soooo nice! I'm talking 80 + degrees! Woo Hoo! I hope that this weather sticks because it would be really cruel to have to go back to winter after this tease. I think Ryan would revolt. We've had our first taste of shorts and scraped knees.

We also bought a new camera. This one is a small point and click that I don't have to worry about or take a class to figure out. It has a really cool panoramic feature. Isn't this neat?? This is the view from my favorite seat on the couch. I can't wait to try it out on the beach.

Ryan loves being outside. We have trouble getting him to come in. He's so determined to get outside that he's already mastered the three steps down to our back porch with no railing. Here he is enjoying his bike.

And, a few moments with his first girlfriend... an older woman by two months! I'm not sure how he feels about her just yet. A few minutes before this picture they were fighting over a pink lawn mower. Isn't she cute??

I have a feeling we're going to get some use out of the swing set this year... finally! Check out the pink sippy cup. I bought it on clearance as part of a two-pack and told myself we wouldn't use that one... oops. I've noticed it in a lot of pictures lately. Sorry Ry.

Ryan hasn't quite figured out how to climb up to the fort yet, but I'm sure it won't be long.
Tyler continues to demonstrate his own logic and power of persuasion. The things he comes up with crack me up. Dan was sitting on Tyler's favorite blue swing Thursday night and happened to be wearing a red shirt. Tyler told him that he "should sit on the red swing because then you'll be camouflaged and the animals won't bite you!" Ha! I have no idea where he learned about camouflage, but he obviously knows what it means.
We've already made good use of the park.

And, the race car had its inaugural run outside. It looks a lot smaller out of the dining room!

This video makes me smile. These boys get such a kick out of each other and Ryan's belly laugh is infectious. The boys got their hair cut the other night and had the whole place in stitches.

Happy Spring!

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