Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

What a fun time of year this is. The weather is taking a good turn, the flowers are coming up and a bunny comes for a visit!

Tyler prepared by dying the eggs himself. He did a great job balancing them without cracking one... until it was time for glitter paint! That paint sure it slippery! Here's Tyler with his eggs.

Yesterday Dan took the boys to our friends' house for an egg hunt through the woods. I had everything they needed by the door ready to load including cute baskets for egg collecting. Here are the kids ready for the hunt... no baskets in sight. At least mine weren't the only kids with plastic grocery bags. It's recycling, right??

Tyler found a lot of eggs!

And, Ryan found a few of his own with a little help from Daddy.

Then it was off to Aunt Donna's for another egg hunt and dinner. Aunt Donna loads her eggs with money!! I'm not sure Ryan knew what to think of that. Good thing Uncle Dave was there to help.

Tyler's getting good at this Easter egg hunt thing.

Check out this cake made by Aunt Pam. How cool is this! Dan brought home an ear. Yummy! Tyler is still talking about this cake.

This morning I woke up to a little boy next to my head whispering that I had to get up because the bunny had been here. He was so excited! I got myself up and headed downstairs grabbing Ryan on the way. Ry had figured out that candy was inside the eggs and was very excited to have a peanut butter cup before breakfast. Unfortunately he wasn't satisfied with one piece and proceeded to stuff his face with foil wrapped candy! Aaaahhhh!
Doesn't this face break your heart? I just want some chocolate mama! Oh, the tears!

He recovered quickly and decided to check out his loot. Oooh, jelly beans!

It was very difficult to get pictures of Tyler grabbing the eggs. He was fast! I did capture the moment that Tyler discovered how tricky the bunny can be.

Ha! That bunny can hop awfully high! In addition to this, Tyler discovered his basket on top of the hutch in the dining room! I'm going to have to talk to that bunny because he spotted it within minutes... where is the challenge in that??

Then it was off to see Grandma and Grandpa C... both sets! The boys kept each other entertained on the way there.

Look at this handsome boy. I can't believe how grown up he is.

Where is the food??

Ryan swept quite a bit of food on the floor and discovered how to spit. Joy! Great table manners Ry!

We needed to walk off all that food so we decided to check out fishing spots on the creek. Tyler enjoyed checking out the pavilion.

And, chasing Ryan of course!

Both boys and Grandma were very patient with me for this picture, but I think it was worth it. Are you smiling?
Happy Easter!

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