Tuesday, August 13, 2024


My CT scan from last week still hasn’t been read by a radiologist yet, but I saw my oncologist today and he backed up what the pulmonologist said. He came into the room smiling.

He showed me the scan from June next to the scan from last week. He said there are 2 lesions they’re watching in my liver. He showed me one of them and measured it. In June, it was 1.7 and now it is 1.4. Not a huge reduction, but I’m pleased with that.

He said there could still be microscopic disease in my bones as bones take time to respond, but the scans also show scar tissue being created so it is tough to differentiate that from disease. But, I haven’t been in pain for a long time indicating good things are happening. Hopefully over time we’ll see the activity in my bones ease.

My oncologist told me today that he’s not convinced that there is disease in my lungs. He said it could all be pneumonitis. That would be good news, but it makes me fear cold & flu season even more. I think I need to be vigilant about masking and staying away from places with lots of people. One cold could see me back.

Oh, and he also confirmed there is no disease in my brain. All my weirdness is just who I am.

Then he suggested I might want to consider a dose reduction to ease the stomach issues. No way!! I’m not risking this progress. This last round was nowhere near as bad as the round before. Let’s hope that is because I stayed ahead of it with meds so I can repeat that. I’m afraid it was the extra week off chemo for vacation.

Or, it could have been my shopping trip into the village last Thursday. One of the shop keepers told me I needed to manifest cancer going away at 8:08 on August 8th. She recommended picturing myself walking toward the ocean with a box. When I get to the water, take the camera from everywhere in my body and put it in the box. Then set the box adrift, without until it is no longer visible. Ha ha!! This is why I need to start wearing a wig when I’m out to stay incognito.

Overall, it was a good day. I did wake up crabby so I wore my sparkly shoes and a nice outfit. It worked!! Fake it until you make it.

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