Sunday, September 3, 2023

Ugh…so full!

I need to stop eating. I’m so full all the time so starting today, I’m going to start watching my volume. My goal so far has been to stay hydrated and keep a level of full, but I think I’ve found critical mass and my body can hold no more!!

I’ve been waking up uncomfortable. Maybe 4 pieces of cake for my birthday wasn’t such a great idea? But, it was so incredibly yummy. Mom made me my favorite applesauce cake and Dan got the ultimate chocolate from wegmans with black raspberry ice cream. How do you resist both of those?

Overall, my experience with Enhertu hasn’t been horrible. I’m hopeful I will continue to tolerate this well and maybe the week before the next infusion will be normal from a stomach perspective. Overall, I’d say the fatigue is the worse part with slight stomach unrest. I’m so tired after the slightest activity. So unfair!

Dan tells me I still need to cut myself slack after surgery and 11 days in the hospital. I’m not so sure. I think this is chemo related. Maybe the next week will give me more perspective on the situation.

So here I am. Up early and enjoying a cup of tea. We’re going on the boat today with friends. I’m excited. 

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