Wednesday, July 24, 2024

TMI x2

So I discussed week 3 with my team yesterday and we’re going to try a couple things:

1. I’m starting mirilax during weeks 1 & 2 trying to avoid the constipation that happens after my infusions. Usually I see that as sweet relief after the horrors of week 3, but I understand that constipation can lead to diarrhea so we’ll give that a try. 

2. I can take a lot more of the preventative meds. I now have 2 and can take up to 8 of each. I haven’t taken more than 8 total in one day. We’ll see.

3. I did not discuss this with my doctor, but I believe I’m responsible for some of the stomach issues I ended up with during my unexpected week 4 (they pushed my chemo after moving it for vacation so I got extra time off). I went out to a work dinner and finally got a lobster roll. I also had blue cheese on my salad. It was probably too soon for that, but I really enjoyed it. Then I went out with a couple of girlfriends and had chicken parm. Once again, I enjoyed my meal and enjoyed my time with friends more. Oh, and I had ice cream…lots and lots of ice cream.  I love to eat. And see people. So eating with good people is awesome.

I’m also happy to report that my oncologist is on the same page as I am regarding my current line of treatment. There is another chemo available in another category, but he doesn’t want me to abandon this chemo until it stops working. I’m good with that even though it means I’ll stay on steroids and have no hope of my lungs improving. The longer I’m on a line of treatment the better. I know this chemo will eventually stop working so we’ll pick that hope back up at that time.

Wish me luck this weekend… we’re headed to Pittsburgh for another baseball tournament and I’ve got my eye on pizza and a milkshake. And all the yummy food at Too Golf. (Tyler will be home taking care of Lucy…he will be eating my prepped food from the freezer…not as much fun).

Saturday, July 13, 2024


This post is going to share way too much so be warned. 

My current chemo cycle is three weeks with infusions on weeks 1 and 2 with a ‘break’ during week 3. The 3rd week of my chemo cycle is always the most difficult, but this last week was especially horrendous. I seriously couldn’t understand how someone would refuse treatment, but I sure do now!! 

Usually I have 2-3 days of GI issues which I can deal with using preventative medication. For some reason, this week lasted 4 days and I’m still not right on day 5. Cramping, pain, diarrhea…I couldn’t eat or drink anything without losing it. Even water was an issue. So sick. I know I lost at least 5 pounds. Hopefully I can start eating again soon to gain that back.

I reached out to my doctor multiple times which I don’t normally do. They adjusted when I take my preventative medication and then changed the medication yesterday. I’m not sure the change helped or if it was just the time for improvement, but I was able to somewhat function today with 2 significant naps. Hopefully I can handle the grocery store tomorrow as that wasn’t happening today.

Let’s not do that again.