Sunday, July 29, 2012

Earrings by Ty

Tyler fancies himself a jewelry designer and this week was my lucky week!!  He came home on Wednesday very excited to present me with his gift... double hung butterfly earrings!!  Now, those that know me are aware that I've been wearing the same earrings for over 10 years.  So, wearing these for 3 days was quite an accomplishment for me.  But, his smile at seeing them was well worth it.  I'm sure I'll put them on again this week just to see that smile.  Check out his work...

Hopefully this will be Daddies week... or maybe a Grandma or two!!

Monday, July 23, 2012


This past Thursday morning Dan and Tyler took off for 4 days of camping... in a tent... in the rain!  And, they had a great time!!

And, lucky for me, some of my picture taking obsession rubbed off.  Dan provided a camera full of great shots!  He made sure I didn't miss anything.  Love him!

The boys had all sorts of activities to participate in.  This one was a relay race with knot tying.

Sunday was family day so Ryan and I got a peak into the camp.  Ryan was very excited about "our tent."

Tyler has discovered that he enjoys archery.  

Nice form!

While the boys missed each other, I think it was good for each of them to have some alone time.   Next year I may take some time off work and take Ryan somewhere... just the two of us.

Families got to participate in the fun on Sunday.

This took quite a bit of coordination... more than I possess.  It was fun to watch.

The ropes course.

They let my boy use a knife!!  He loves whittling.

And, here is something every mom wants to see!  Turns out he's a pretty good shot... he got all the balloons and shot through the index card when there was nothing left to aim for.

Overall, my impression is that they both had a fabulous time, despite two days of rain.  I think I can count on another 4 days alone next summer.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fantasy Island

This past Friday, the 13th, we decided to test our luck at Fantasy Island.  Ty's summer camp hosted family day which is really nice as we have friends to enjoy the day with.  Everything is more fun with friends!

This was an exciting year because Ryan is exactly 42 inches which allowed him on more rides and Tyler is exactly 48 inches... so he can go on everything!!

But, they all still enjoy the kiddie area.

I was really hoping to avoid the tilt-a-whirl... and I got excited because the older boys could go on by themselves... but Ryan could not. It wasn't as bad this year as it was last year.  Ryan let me get away with not trying to get the car to spin.  Wish me luck next year.

The bumper cars were a big hit.

Literally... that is Tyler that is getting slammed! As you may be able to see through the blur, Ryan loved it.

Peer pressure got Tyler on this slide.

And, this roller coaster.  This pic is from the Ferris Wheel. Fun stuff!

Toward the end of the day I asked Ryan if he wanted to go on a ride that would shoot him in the air really fast.  And, he said yes!  Doesn't he look really little here??

I'm not so sure that this was a good idea.

But, he loved it.  Phew!  That could have gone the other way really easily.

It was a fun day for both boys.  The day was beautiful and nobody freaked out.  Success.

Cheese!  I love that Ryan has his own friends now.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cousins on the 4th

Ava, Nora and Leah are here!!  And, they brought Grandma W!!  The boys could not be more excited.

Yesterday the kids granted me a day of smiles for pictures.  Enjoy!