Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Train

Riding this train every year has become a family tradition and this year we had a beautiful day.

Grandma and Grandpa C joined us plus Great-Grandma C which was a nice treat.

The boys were looking forward to putting pennies on the track. Here's Ty setting them up, hoping that the train wouldn't pick them up and take them away like last year!

All lined up and ready to go.

This year, we were able to retrieve all the pennies... all 11 of them!

Ryan proved his bravery again, walking between the coaches to the open air car. Ty didn't make it...

Watching the world go by from the window of a train. Fun!

The boys took advantage of Grandma time.

Tyler was telling some sort of tall tale, I'm sure.

So, of course, Ryan had to get in on the fun.

It was another great day... and we got a Tyler funny out of it! We haven't had one of those in a while (sob... he's growing up). Great-grandma C was explaining that the train ran on soft coal and she asked Ty if he knew where coal came from. He didn't say "duh," but the tone in his voice said it all when he answered "Santa!" Too Funny! Where else would it come from??

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thunder Over Niagara

I think summer is officially over now that we've attended our last air show of the year. Grandma and Grandpa C joined us for the day. Since we weren't allowed to bring much in with us, I decided it was a good day to play with my camera.

I like this shot of Tyler. This one is classic Ty. No teeth.

Grandpa and Ryan conference about a rod in the concrete used to tie down airplanes. You can learn very important things from Grandpa.

Grandma and the boys in front of the FedEx plane. We got to walk through the plane and the boys received their wings. Fun stuff.

Supposedly this is a rare to see this plane fly, but we did today. I think it is called a B1. I guess it is rare if this is the first time we've seen it with all the air shows we've attended. Tyler was most excited about the jet truck. It made a ton of smoke which made it difficult for a picture while it was running. This will have to do...

Dan and the boys.

Me and my boys. It was a bit bright so we look a little funny.

Ryan and Tyler both picked the same toy plane. After Tyler proclaimed it the fastest plane in the world, Ryan had to have it too. Can't you almost hear his airplane noises in this picture? We hear a lot of that these days... in stereo!

The main event was the Thunderbirds. Taking pictures of them against the clouds was a trick. I think it looks kind of neat. I'm still amazed at how close these planes fly.

Enjoying a treat from Grandma and Grandpa during the Thunderbirds. Yummy!

How cool is this?? That is 4 planes!!

All six.

It was a fun day and I think I'm inspired enough to actually buy a zoom lens. I had to crop these quite a bit. We'll see.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Grade

Tyler is now officially a 1st Grader!!

We dropped off his supplies last Monday and Ty discovered that there is a turtle in his classroom. He's been looking forward to seeing that turtle again all week. We now know that his name is Sheldon and he's a tortoise. I'd say it was a successful first day.

Tyler insisted on wearing a new outfit today which was a problem because I don't shop for back-to-school clothes. Luckily I had a pair of new jeans in the clearance closet and found a shirt I had purchased for Ryan that still fits Tyler!! Such drama.

Ryan was being a stinker and wouldn't smile in the picture with me (he's actually biting his lip so he won't smile!), but he was all smiles for Dad.

And, the necessary bus picture on the first day. Yes, it was a bit chilly today!

Why does he seem so much older now that he's in a grade with a number?