Yesterday was the Trunk or Treat event hosted by the mommies group to benefit the local food bank. Basically a bunch of us decorated our car trunks and the kiddos trick or treated. It was great fun! A little cold and windy, but fun.
Here is our trunk. It was supposed to be a duck pond. How did I do?? Poor Ryan. He has no choice but to play along.

Isn't he adorable? This is the same costume that Tyler wore when he was almost 2. Ryan fits in it now at almost 1. It's probably a good thing that he's wearing it a year early because he's not scared of it.
I remember being so excited when I found this costume. It was Tyler's first Halloween costume! I brought it home and held it in front of me as I walked into the living room, quacking. Tyler freaked! He was traumatized by the duck. Looking back on it I can understand why something as big as you coming toward you could be a bit intimidating... I left the costume on the couch for about a month so the duck and Tyler could work out their differences!
There was no such drama with Ryan. Here he is hanging out.

Too cute!

Tyler and his friend Liam enjoyed the festivities. Tyler is Batman and Liam is a Power Ranger.

In addition to games and goodies, there were characters to visit. Here are the boys with Perry Winkle, the local ice cream dude.
The best part of the day was the ride in the bucket of a real fire truck! Here they are ready to go. Dan got to go with them.

Up, up and away!

This was the best trunk. They actually built a track!

Here we are waiting for the next batch of kids.

Poor Ryan. He had quite a day.

I've got to go. Ryan is now cruising and into everything! Aaaaahhhhh!